
generateblock "output" ["rawtx/txid",...]

Mines a block immediately using an ordered set of transactions to a specified address or descriptor (before the RPC call completes).

Argument #1 – output

Type: string, required

The address or descriptor to send the newly generated bitcoinevo to.

Argument #2 – transactions

Type: json array, required

An array of hex strings which are either txids or raw transactions.

The transaction IDs must refer to transactions that are currently in the mempool. All transactions must be valid and in the correct order, or the block will be rejected.
  "rawtx/txid",    (string)


{                    (json object)
  "hash" : "hex"     (string) hash of generated block


Generate a block to myaddress, with txs rawtx and mempool_txid:

bitcoinevo-cli generateblock "myaddress" '["rawtx", "mempool_txid"]